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NCAR TALK 004: Welcoming Olivier Zeitoun, Curator in the Design and Industrial Prospective Department of the Centre Pompidou

NCAR TALK 004: Welcoming Olivier Zeitoun, Curator in the Design and Industrial Prospective Department of the Centre Pompidou
Centre Pompidou, architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers
photo Herve Veronese © Centre Pompidou, 2025

NCAR Talk aims to create a space for open dialogue with participants around a single theme, inviting guests each time to deepen understanding of the various activities of the National Center for Art Research (NCAR).

NCAR TALK 004 welcomes Olivier Zeitoun, associate curator in the Design and Industrial Prospective Department of National Georges Pompidou Centre of Art and Culture (the Centre Pompidou) in Paris, France, who is currently visiting Japan for the newly launched cultural program between the National Museum of Art and the Embassy of France in Japan/ Institut Français, and the Centre Pompidou.

Through the reciprocal exchange of curators between Japan and France, this program aims to foster mutual understanding of each country’s modern and contemporary art and design, thereby strengthening the cultural ties. As a part of this initiative, the talk will highlight the Centre Pompidou’s extensive design collection and share recent projects, including research on sustainable design, the promotion of female designers, and a postcolonial approach to global design. A moderator will be Miryon Ko, head of International Projects at the National Art Center Tokyo.

Thanks to the generosity of the Japanese Friends of the Centre Pompidou, a networking session will follow the talk, providing participants with an opportunity to engage with the curator and moderator. Anyone who has registered for the talk is welcome to participate.
This event is held in collaboration with “Le Labo,” a series of cultural dialogues between Japan and France, organized by Institut français de Tokyo.

If you wish to participate, please register from here.

Outline of the event
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 19:00 to 21:30
Venue: Institut français de Tokyo (15 Ichigaya-funagawaramachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Google Map
Speaker: Olivier Zeitoun
Moderator: Miryon Ko
Capacity: 100 people (registration will close when capacity is reached)
Admission: 1,000 yen for general participants/free for students and members of the Institut Français. (advance registration required)
*For those who have reserved a student or member ticket, please show your ID, such as your membership card or student card, at the reception. Otherwise, you will be charged the standard fee.
Language: French and Japanese with consecutive interpretation
Organized by: National Center for Art Research and Institut français de Tokyo
Contact: 03-5206-2500 (Institut français de Tokyo)

Olivier Zeitoun ©Keizo Kioku