Site Policy

Please read and agree to the following terms and conditions when using the site.

  1. Browsing Environment

    OS and Browser
    When adding or updating pages on the site, we verify display and operation using the latest versions of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari for computers, Google Chrome for Android, Safari for iOS. Please note that non-smartphone mobile phones and Internet Explorer are not supported.
    The site uses JavaScript to offer a better user experience. If JavaScript is not enabled in your browser settings, the site may not be displayed or may not operate properly.
    To view PDF files requires viewing software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Please refer to the Privacy Policy.
    The site uses SSL/TLS encryption to improve security levels. Information entered by users is automatically encrypted before being transmitted, so users’ personal information cannot be read by a third party. However, depending on users’ browser settings, the page may not be viewable. In addition, some older devices, such as those using Windows XP, may not be able to authenticate the server certificate used for encryption and may not be able to display the page. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. Copyrights

    • Copyrights and other rights to all content and works (images, illustrations, documents, archival materials, etc.) on the site belong to the Center and the providers of said data. Content and works are protected by Japanese copyright law, agreements, and the copyright laws of other countries, and may not be used outside the scope of private use.
    • It is strictly prohibited to modify, reproduce, rent, lease, loan, sell, publish, transmit, broadcast, or otherwise make copyrighted material available for use by third parties in any manner whatsoever without the permission of the copyright holder. However, if individual terms of use apply to individual works, such terms shall take precedence.
  3. Trademarks

    The names of museums, companies, services, and products on the site are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Center or the respective companies or organizations. The site may display the names of products and organizations for illustrative purposes only, without the intent or purpose of infringing on trademark rights.

  4. Disclaimer

    • Although the Center thoroughly reviews and verifies information posted on the site, it does not guarantee its accuracy, usefulness, reliability, safety, suitability for any particular purpose, or any other aspect of its content. In no event shall the Center be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of content.
    • The Center reserves the right to change or discontinue, without notice, the website configuration, terms of use, URL, content, etc. of the site, or to suspend or terminate operation of the site without notice. The Center shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with such changes or suspension or termination of the site’s operation for any reason whatsoever.
    • Third-party websites linked to or from the site (“linked sites”) are independently operated and maintained by said third parties, and are not under the control and/or supervision of the Center. Nothing contained in the linked sites shall be construed to indicate that any special relationship between the Center and linked sites. The Center is not responsible for the content of any linked sites or any damages resulting from the use of said sites.
  5. Applicable Laws and Courts of Jurisdiction

    • Unless otherwise specified, use of the site shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and any disputes arising in connection with use of the site shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
    • Access to the site is at the discretion of the person accessing the site, and said person is solely responsible for his/her use of the site.
  6. Security

    The Center complies with the Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art’s rules for handling of personal information and Privacy Policy.