Web-based report on Leadership Training for Teachers and Curators to Enhance Art Museum-based Learning

We have published a web-based report on Leadership Training for Teachers and Curators to Enhance Art Museum-based Learning held at The National Museum of Art, Osaka and Osaka International Convention Center on August 7-8, 2023.
This training has been held annually since 2006 for teachers from elementary, junior-high and high schools, teachers’ consultants and museum curators from all over Japan. We have compiled the report on two days of fruitful training, including workshops and lectures that took place utilizing museum’s exhibiton rooms in its holidays.
We wrote this report to stimulate ideas for the people who reflect on what art museum-based learning is in the first place, what art and education can provide in this society, and what type of future cooperation between schools and museums can be made.
Click here for information on Leadership Training for Teachers and Curators to Enhance Art Museum-based Learning.
Two different formats of the report is available for downloading from the links below.
A3 horizontal two facing pages

sample image of A4 horizontal two facing pages
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- see on a monitor as two facing pages.
- print the report in A3 size.
- read with a tablet or a smartphone in landscape mode.
A4 vertical single page

sample image of A4 vertical single page
This format is recommended for the people who...
- do not have printing equipment for A3 size.
- read with a tablet or a smartphone in portrait mode.
- would like to make a saddle-stitched booklet.